Posts tagged mental health professional
How do I get rid of a negative experience?

Question: “What is the best way to get rid of a negative incident? Do you meditate on it?”

Gisa: This is an interesting question. Let me start by saying that we cannot “get rid” of things and hope that they will magically disappear. While we may not know what negative experience you are facing, then our answer would depend on what this experience is.

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4 Signs That Tell You It's Time to See a Mental Health Professional

Thinking of seeing a professional, but can't seem to decide if what you're going through is worth the trip? Perhaps you may feel that despite the gravity of your situation, you still manage to get by. It's always good to know that somehow we're still chugging along, right? So how do we know when it's gotten pretty bad and it's time to see a mental health professional? Here are four signs to look out for:

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