Posts tagged national center for mental health
3 Ways We Can Respond to Someone Who is Struggling

In the last two months I have been asked to speak at several events on various mental health topics. From identifying the presence of a disorder to supporting the supporter. I realized that whether we were the ones struggling or if we were faced with someone who was in fact struggling, the forums always ended with this one question: “what do we say to someone who is struggling with their mental health?” While there are many things already written out there, I thought I would share with you my 3 very simple go-to statements and why these can be helpful.

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4 Signs That Tell You It's Time to See a Mental Health Professional

Thinking of seeing a professional, but can't seem to decide if what you're going through is worth the trip? Perhaps you may feel that despite the gravity of your situation, you still manage to get by. It's always good to know that somehow we're still chugging along, right? So how do we know when it's gotten pretty bad and it's time to see a mental health professional? Here are four signs to look out for:

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