On The Reading List: The Art of Healing
As a health practitioner there are a few books that I really do appreciate from other experts. Perhaps this is because of my background in interdisciplinary studies that I discover how much richer a practice can become when fused with other techniques. The Art of Healing by Bernie Siegel, M.D. is one of those books. Written in '70s, Siegel pours age old wisdom into The Art of Healing by incorporating psychological techniques with his medical practice. How? Through projective tests or what we commonly know as drawings.
Bernie Siegel was a popular surgeon, whose wisdom I have carried with me through my practice. Not only does he teach health professionals to zoom in fully on each of our clients, but he also teaches clients what their patient rights truly mean. He shares several experiences in the book that show you how important it is to be able to understand your condition, and to have a doctor that understands your needs.
The Art of Healing in itself can serve as a great guide for practitioners who wish improve their techniques. Not only does he encourage creativity through various disciplines, he also highlights the importance of using our intuition and trusting our gut feel.
I highly encourage practitioners and patients alike to venture into this if you would like to become more proactive on your own healing journeys. Unfortunately this book is no longer in print in the Philippines. But if you would like a copy of this book, you can purchase this on kindle.